Advance notice of updates to the Guidance Notes within the SIRE Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ7)
The 7th edition of the Vessel Inspection Questionnaire (VIQ7) was launched on 17 September 2018 and several vessel inspections have already been performed in accordance with VIQ7.

OCIMF received reviews, comments and general feedback regarding the questions and the associated guidance notes within VIQ7 and after extensive assessment has proceeded to amendments in VIQ7 which have been consolidated and will be issued on Monday, 18 February 2019 and incorporated in the SIRE editor platforms (online; desktop and mobile versions) used by inspectors.

Note that all question text within the VIQ7 remains unchanged, this update is to Inspector Guidance Notes only.

An amended version of the full VIQ7 will also be released and made available for download on Monday, 18 February.

OCIMF will also publish some generic queries and related clarifications which will provide members, inspectors and operators with clarifications on general issues related to questions in the VIQ7.